Foreign Venture Investigations

Business is all about risk and return and if calculated correctly the profit could be a huge win for your company. Most markets are now going global and we see that companies are interested in obtaining companies globally. However before your company decides to invest into a foreign venture let KENTECH perform our Foreign Venture Investigation, so your company can make a sound decision on a foreign acquisition.

Other countries have different laws in place when it comes to privacy making it difficult to conduct a comprehensive due diligence report. Gaining access to information, documents and intelligence need to be followed by the law of that country and if not done correctly can cost you and your company heavy legal fees and fines.

KENTECH with years of experience allows us to obtain all the necessary information your company needs to make a sound decision on that new acquisition.

Our investigation includes:

  • International background checks
  • International corporate due diligence investigations
  • International witness location and interviews
  • International asset searches
  • Overseas criminal investigations


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